
About Me
Creating A Great Entertainment Experience For Your Kids

I have always loved taking my kids to do fun things, which is one of the reasons I started looking into ways to entertain them during the summer. I realized that a lot of different activities were mainly centered around adults, so I started focusing on creating a great entertainment experience for my children. I began looking for different things to do around town, and it was really amazing to see how many different options were out there. I wanted to make this blog to help other people to know how to create a great entertainment experience for their own children. Check it out!


Reasons That Running A Half-Marathon Is A Good Team-Building Activity For Your Workforce

4 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to building a workforce that operates more like a team, you have a variety of options that you can consider. Augmenting the team mentality in your office carries a number of advantages, including reducing employee turnover and potentially even increasing profits. One option to consider for building your team is to collectively train for, and participate in, a half-marathon. Obviously, this isn't something that you'll accomplish overnight, but working toward this goal as a workforce can lead to a number of positive things. Read More …

Reasons To Book Your Child In Private, Backyard Swimming Lessons

13 October 2017
 Categories: Entertainment, Blog

Putting your child in swimming lessons is a smart idea for a number of reasons. Not only is learning to swim enjoyable and offers a good chance for exercise, but a child's risk of drowning deceases when he or she is a competent swimmer. When you're considering various swimming programs, you have the choice of group lessons at a local aquatic center or lessons in a backyard pool taught by an accredited teacher. Read More …

Five Things To Keep In Mind Before You Leave For Your Destination Wedding

18 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Destination weddings make your wedding day a one-of-a-kind experience for you and your guests as well. However, destination weddings take a lot of careful planning to ensure that everything goes smoothly and everyone gets as much as possible out of the experience. The following are five things to keep in mind before you leave for your destination wedding location to ensure that everyone present has an unforgettably enjoyable time at your destination wedding: Read More …

Questions To Ask A Wedding DJ You Are Considering Hiring For Your Wedding

4 August 2017
 Categories: Entertainment, Blog

A wedding DJ can help to make or break your wedding reception. A great wedding DJ will get the crowd up off their feet and on the dance floor where they can enjoy themselves. If you are looking to hire a wedding DJ, it is best to watch the DJ and see them in their element. However, that is not always possible. If you are are looking to hire a wedding DJ and you are unable to watch what they do before hiring them, here are a few questions to ask them to help decide if they are ideal for your wedding. Read More …

How To Include Your House In A Haunted House Tour

26 July 2017
 Categories: Entertainment, Blog

There are many homes in America that are purportedly haunted. When several of these abodes dwell within a short distance of each other, they create the opportunity for a haunted house tour every Halloween. If you think your home is haunted and you want to include your home in a local haunted tour, here is what you need to do. Have Your Home Inspected by Paranormal Investigators The first step is to invite paranormal investigators to check out your home. Read More …